Master Your Finances Kurt Baker with Bob Michie
Written by Kurtis Baker on April 15, 2023
Do you wanna know which businesses are now classified as non-banking financial institutions and must comply with FTC safeguards by June 9th deadline? Do you realize how critical it is to manage and mitigate cyber risk, especially in today’s increasingly digital landscape? Our host, Kurtis Baker, is joined by Bob Michie, president and co-founder of MetroMSP, defines technology strategy and initiatives as critical aspects to clients’ success. Bob is here to provide you with access to an FTC compliance checklist that you can use to ensure your company is meeting the necessary standards for protecting sensitive information, as well as help you understand the potential consequences of failing to comply with these regulations and the importance of taking action to protect your businesses.
15 Ways to Protect Yourself from a Cyber Attack.